


It’s powerful and important to use all the PLAYTAG Keys together. Let’s say it would make you happier to become more courageous.  Imagine and PLAYTAG:

Every day I am becoming more courageous

Picture – I picture myself as courageous – at home, work, school, with friends.

Let Go – I let go of my fear of not being accepted, and I accept myself.  

Affirm – I affirm that I am capable of doing whatever I choose to do.

You’re It – I remember who I am – I create my life with what I think, feel, say and do.

Trust – I trust that my heart shows me how to develop courage and believe it’s possible. 

ActI act as if I am bold and brave.  I stand up for my beliefs. 

Give Thanks –  I give thanks to myself for being willing to be courageous. 


Now turn those affirmations into “Why?” questions: 

-    Why am I now courageous?

-    Why did I let go of my fear of people not accepting me?

-    Why do I act brave and stand up for what I believe in?

How does asking “Why?” help you achieve your goals and dreams?

You were born with creative energy, and you are creating with what you think, feel, say and do.  When you ask yourself a question, your mind goes about figuring out the answer to it.  Using the PLAYTAG keys makes it easier.  By asking yourself  “Why do I…” or “Why am I…” or “Why have I…” you:

Picture the end result of what you desire as already achieved

Let Go of anything that would get in the way (doubt, anger, fear, judgment, etc.), because you are seeing your goal as completed. 

Affirm that you have already been successful at being, doing and/or having what you desire. 

Remember You’re It – You create your life with your thoughts, feelings, words and actions.  You focused on what you wanted, not what you didn’t want.

Chose to Trust yourself and the Universe and believe that your dreams will come true. 

Get inspired and excited and Act as if it already happened. 

Give Thanks in advance to the Universe, others who helped, and yourself for manifesting your heart’s desire! 

Whenever you are affirming what you want to be, do or have, follow it up with a “Why do I…?” or “Why am I…?” or “Why is it that…?” or “Why have I…?” question.   

Make up your own PLAYTAG Visualizations and record them – playing them back in your own voice is so empowering.  Do this with your Create A Great Life Vision!

All of the PLAYTAG Creative Visualizations start with: 

Please sit comfortably with your feet on the floor, hands in your lap.  When you’re ready, close your eyes, just gently.  We’ll be taking 3 deep breaths – breathing in through your nose nice and slow, like you are smelling a flower, and then releasing your breath through your mouth, like you are blowing out a candle.  Let’s take our first deep breath, in through our nose.  And now breathe out through your mouth.  Let it all go. And we take another deep, slow breath in.  And release your breath.  Notice that you feel more comfortable and relaxed.  And we take one more deep breath in.  And let it all go with a big sigh. 

Now Let’s visualize…   

At the end…  Take your time, and when you feel ready, open your eyes.

All Music for Visualization Recordings from #Uppbeat (free for Creators!):

Health and Fitness

Health and Fitness  - I ask myself:  Why am I now healthy and fit?   I Picture myself vibrantly healthy - physically, mentally and emotionally.  I think positive thoughts about myself as I know they are a big part of my well-being.  I Let Go of my worry and doubt that I can be strong and fit.  I Affirm:  Every day I am better and better.  I am getting plenty of rest, exercising, and eating healthy foods and vitamins that support my body.  I remind myself that You’re It:  My loving, accepting thoughts for myself and others uplift and energize me.  I Trust that I am guided to the ideas, resources and practices I need to be healthy – like meditating, stretching, walking, and fun ways to move my body.  I take Action – I take time to deep breathe and meditate, and I feel myself radiate and glow with peace and well-being.   I Give Thanks for my gift of vibrant health and energy. | License code: JQLFBYTEMHNDTNQP

School/Work Giving a Presentation

School/Work – Giving a Presentation – I ask myself:  Why am I now calm about giving a presentation?  I Picture myself giving an interesting, inspiring and engaging presentation.  I imagine my listeners really enjoying and learning from it.  I Let Go of my fear and nervousness about speaking in front of people and exchange it for enthusiasm, courage and self-confidence.  I Affirm I am calm and self-assured.  I give a clear, impactful presentation that has a positive impact on my listeners, who clap when I am done!  I remind myself that You’re It!  I prepare and give my presentation from my heart, and my listeners can tell I care about them.  I Trust that I am guided to the ideas and research to make my presentation meaningful.  I Act –I am excited to see myself get better and more confident each time I practice my presentation.   I Give Thanks for my gift of poise and confidence, and the opportunity to share what I have learned through my presentation. | License code: 3LRRA8SYYAADZCFP


Self-Love – I ask myself:  Why do I love myself?  I Picture myself being my own best friend.  I take good care of myself, physically, mentally and emotionally.  I get plenty of sleep, eat healthy and move my body in fun ways for me. I am kind, gentle and patient with myself.  I Let Go of self-criticism and negative thinking, and I am becoming more positive every day. I Affirm I am proud of myself – of who I am, what I do and what I have overcome.  I am excited about the goals and dreams I have.  I remind myself You’re It! I am loving, lovable and loved. I have the power to create my life with my thoughts, feelings, words and actions. I choose to shine my light by sharing my talents and strengths.  I believe in myself, and I Trust my heart to guide me in ways that make me happy and more self-loving every day.  I Act - I go within and begin by calming my mind, allowing myself to be caring and kind.  I love and appreciate myself, and that makes me better able to love and appreciate others.  I am happy with myself and Give Thanks for who and what I am and what I do.   I appreciate those who encourage and guide me. | License code: PH4PAQVOMFOUCHIT

Loving, Trusting Relationships with Family Members

Loving, Trusting Relationships with Family Members – I ask myself:  Why do I now enjoy loving, trusting relationships with my family members?  I Picture myself laughing and having fun with my family members.  I envision us working together as a team – loving and caring about each other.  I Let Go of judging myself or them, or feeling like I am in competition for attention.  I see us able to work through differences we may have with patience and kindness.  I Affirm that my family and I encourage and support each other.  I remind myself that You’re It I am loving and lovable.  I love my family members and believe that they love me, no matter what.  The challenges we go through bring us closer together.  I Trust and feel safe with them, and I open my heart, so they trust and feel safe with me.  I Act by doing my part as a contributing member of our family team.  Through my actions, I show them that they matter to me.  I Give Thanks for the unique qualities, strengths and talents each of us has, and how we grow as we live, love and interact with each other.  I feel blessed by my loving relationships with my family. | License code: XVVJPPML2OOJXI6X

Being on a Team or in a Group or Club

Being on a team or in a group or club -  I ask myself:  Why do I so enjoy being on this team?  I Picture myself on a great team, having fun with my teammates.  We take time to get to know each other and become friends, which makes our team work really well together.  I Let Go of jealousy and thinking I need to compete for people’s attention, and I am becoming more cooperative every day.  I Affirm:  My team members and I respect and value each other.  I do my best, so I am happy with myself and how I play my part.  I remind myself that You’re It! I am a loving, supportive team member with a positive attitude.  I warmly welcome and include new members and show them what to do.  I Trust myself to do my part and I trust my team members to do their part. I get prepared mentally beforehand – visualizing myself playing well, listening to music or meditating.  When we get together, I am excited and encourage my teammates.  I Act as a loyal team member, believing in our common purpose and goals. I share what I know, and I learn and grow from others. I Give Thanks to myself for using my talents in a meaningful way.  I give thanks to my teammates for sharing their knowledge and talents with me.  I give thanks for the opportunity to be a part of this fun, amazing team. | License code: WNH9C8X2DCNGACH9

Making a New Friend

Making a new friend – I ask myself:  Why do I have a great new friend?  I Picture myself meeting and enjoying a new friend. I see us laughing and having fun with each other.  I Let Go of judging myself and thinking I’m not good enough, and I am becoming more friendly and open every day.  I Affirm: I appreciate the unique strengths and talents that my friend and I have.  You’re It – I remember that I am loving and creative.   I attract a loving, creative friend to me that I have lots of things in common with. I Trust my heart to guide me, and I meet and make friends with a person who is encouraging and supportive.  I get excited and Act as if by being friendly and genuine with people and accepting of them and myself.  I am happy and Give Thanks in advance for my new friend. | License code: CBXZIHKHJH2NZ1CT

Finding and Pursuing Your Passion/Purpose

Finding and Pursuing your Passion/Purpose -  (Example – being a best-selling Author!)  I ask myself:  Why am I now a beloved, prosperous, best-selling author?  I Picture myself being a treasured author of award-winning books.  I enjoy reading to people and seeing them engaged in the story. I Let Go of thinking I’m not a good enough writer or that I have to be perfect at it.  I Affirm I am writing books that expand people’s worlds and teach them about the creative energy and love they are.  You’re It - I write from my heart, with the love and light I am.  I Trust that I am guided to ideas and stories that people love and that teach them to believe in themselves.  I Act  – I get excited about the opportunity to help people have fun, learn and grow.  I write daily and I share my ideas with those I meet for feedback.  I Give Thanks to authors of books that inspired me, and to myself for my dedication and willingness to share what I know to enrich and empower people. | License code: 2VJURVO5YNMVYMWD