
Ginger Hannah

About Ginger

It is my passion to coach and inspire people in how to envision and create their heart’s desires.  I have been blessed to discover through my life’s experiences a creative process to “Create Your Best Life!”  I started offering life coaching to individuals and groups to share what I learned.

I searched for an acronym to help me and others remember the 7 keys used in this creative process.  That’s when the word “PLAYTAG” came to me, and the keys fit perfectly:

P = Picture
L = Let Go
A = Affirm
Y = You’re It!
T = Trust
A = Act
G = Give Thanks!

PLAYTAG is also perfect for helping us “Think of our life as a game we can play!”  I have used these keys in my own life and helped others to create:

  • Vibrant health and energy

  • Loving, trusting relationships

  • Fulfilling work - or retirement!

  • Being successful on a team and making new friends

  • Fun adventures like traveling

  • Things like a new home, car, piano, etc.

  • Freedom from limiting thoughts and beliefs

  • Peace of mind, love, understanding, courage, and prosperity! 

I grew up in Buffalo, New York with my mom, dad, older brother and younger sister (yep, middle child!).  I am blessed with two daughters and two grandsons.  When I connected with my sweetheart Will and married in 2016, I was again blessed with his two daughters and two sons.  I love being a mom, grandma and wife and so enjoy this family of truly amazing people!  I love to play in the snow, walk in nature, and jump in the waves in the ocean.  I enjoy traveling, and my favorite places so far are:  Hawaii, Ireland, Canada, Indian Shores, and New Orleans, where I love visiting my older daughter and grandsons.  I love singing – especially with Amanda and Will, playing piano and getting together with family and friends.

I obtained a Master’s Degree in Education, and taught in a high school for a year.  I adopted the motto, “Give a person a fish, and you feed them for a day; teach a person to fish and you feed them for a lifetime.” I wanted to find a way to teach people to envision, create and live a happy life.  I had to learn how to do that for myself, too. 

I transitioned to the Human Resources field for 25 years, where I enjoyed empowering people to be successful.  I handled all aspects of HR and obtained Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) certification.  My last “corporate” position was at GE Energy as a training coordinator for four years. 

I worked with the leadership team at Bryant and Stratton College in Albany, NY and helped them use the PLAYTAG keys to create a “Positive Personalized Growth Environment,” where everyone could feel, “I matter, I belong, I trust, I grow and I can.”  The work of this team had a positive impact on the college’s retention, enrollment, and referral rates, as well as profitability.

I became a Success Coach, facilitating the success of employees in many different workplace settings through coaching, advocacy and resource connection.  Now I enjoy working part time for the Village of Altamont.   And I love teaching the PLAYTAG keys and inspiring people to create and live a happy life. 

Two of the PLAYTAG keys I find the most powerful and impactful - and the ones that take the most inner work - are “Let Go” and “Trust.”  This involves letting go of judgment and unforgiveness, for yourself and others; trusting yourself and the Universe; and believing that your dreams can come true.  It is so rewarding to help people connect the dots in their lives to free themselves from negative thoughts, worries and beliefs that don’t serve them. 

It’s important to note, however, that you need to use ALL the PLAYTAG keys TOGETHER for them to be most effective.  You can Picture and Affirm what you want in your life, but you also need to Act on your dreams.  “Take small daily steps – that’s all there is to it.  And make a BIG LEAP when you’re ready to DO IT.” Remember – You’re It!  “You are the one who plays your part, speaks your voice and opens your heart.”  You’re the one who chooses who you want to be and what you want to do.  Give Thanks for you - “Give yourself kudos for taking a chance, for playing your heart out and dancing the dance!”

I learned along the way that when you fall and you get back up, you can be stronger than ever. My life experiences have led me through the challenges of losing my father to suicide when I was 17, going through divorce, being a single Mom for several years, being scammed for $6000, and a couple of actual falls that led to broken bones.

When I was going through the difficult time in my life that ended in divorce, I developed an ulcer.  No tests or medicine helped - and it was hard to eat and sleep for six months.  Finally, my mom said, “Honey, you need to go to a psychologist, or you’re going to have a nervous breakdown.”  I did, and on my first visit, he recommended that I read Louise Hay’s book, You Can Heal Your Life.  I learned that the thoughts we are thinking and the worry and stress we hold onto negatively impact our health.  I began working with the affirmations Louise suggested, such as, “I love and approve of myself.  I am at peace.  I am calm.”  I had to let go of long-standing thoughts of guilt, worry, fear and feeling abandoned.  I also began letting go of beliefs that didn’t serve me, such as, “I can’t speak my voice, I don’t deserve respect, and I’m not worthy of an abundant life.”  I had to be willing to trust and picture that I could be healthy and happy again.  And that I am love – loving, lovable and loved.

I learned that when you hold onto fear, grief, anger, judgment, guilt or other negative thoughts, you can cause yourself a lot of pain.  But you can make a choice to let them go.  We say in our book, You’re It! How to Play the Game of Life, “So…no more tug of war inside of you.  Drop the rope and it’s over – Finally!  Phew!  Be on your own side in every endeavor, and you are your very own best friend forever!”

It wasn’t easy work, but it was so freeing.  Within a month of reading Louise’s book and working on my inner self, all the symptoms of the ulcer went away!  I thought, “Wow, this is amazing – there is a direct connection between what I am thinking and stressed about - and what is going on in my body.”  As time went on, I found that not only do my thoughts affect my body, but they affect my relationships, finances, and everything in my life.  As we say in You’re It!, “Keep this in mind, every wise person knows - what we look for we find, what we focus on grows.  So look for the good, celebrate love, step up and show us the stuff that you’re made of.”

I believe that nothing is random.  Pay attention to and trust the signs that the Universe sends!  “When the Universe sends you a magical sign, it sends a dazzling thrill up your spine. The timing is perfect, the message is clear.  Something amazing is happening here!”  As you follow your inner guidance and the signs, you can connect the dots between your thoughts and the experiences you are having.  Then you can choose to change your thoughts to positive, uplifting ones, and create a happier life and wonderful experiences.  You will learn that when you are going through challenges, you can “rewrite the script” and picture things in a whole new way. 

I love to picture and empower my dreams by creating vision boards.  I created one for our book when Will and I decided to co-author it.  And when my younger daughter was 11, she and I created a vision board to bring a special, loving husband and father into our lives.  After some time (I learned you have to BE the person you want to bring into your life) I connected with Will.  We discovered we shared many beliefs and a solid foundation for love and growth that inspires our beautiful marriage and family life.  I’ve taken my belief in - and positive experience with - vision boarding to others by leading workshops on them.

I am so grateful for all the challenging experiences and people that mirror back to me my beliefs about life and myself.  They give me the opportunity to learn from them and change the thoughts and beliefs that do not serve me.  It may take time to see the treasure in difficult situations, but there is always a gift or opportunity if you look for it.   I am on a continual journey of fully awakening to the unconditional love and light we all are.  My greatest joy is helping others do so as well! 

I am grateful and honored to be able to use my teaching, facilitation, writing and healing skills in my success coaching, Skillshops, co-authoring our book, and talks on You’re It!  How to Play the Game of Life.

I wanted to write our book to give people HOPE.  To let you know that truly, You’re It!  “In all of the Galaxy, Dear One, it’s true – no one’s discovered a marvel like you!”  I want to share the keys that have worked so well for me over the years in many different situations and areas of my life.  I have coached other people in using them, and it has brought them peace of mind and happiness, too.  As we all do the work of freeing and loving ourselves and becoming happier people, we help raise the energy of all people and can create a peaceful world. 

If I can do it, you can too!  I encourage you to learn and use the PLAYTAG keys to envision and create a great life.  You will be so happy you did!  “Rise up and sing. Do what you love!  Start living the life you’ve been dreaming of!” 

We’d love to hear your PLAYTAG stories and creations.  You can share them here on our website. 

If you’d like to coach with me on a one-on-one basis, or join a group “Create Your Best Life” Skillshop or vision boarding workshop, please contact me.  I look forward to hearing from you.  Most of all, I trust and affirm that as you use all the PLAYTAG keys, your fondest heart’s desires will come to you. 

Love and Joy, Ginger

About Will

I was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and have lived in Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Kentucky, Florida, Arizona, Delaware and California.  I finally settled down in the Village of Altamont, New York with my sweetheart, Ginger. 

I have Master’s Degrees in Fine Arts and Counseling and work as a bereavement counselor for The Community Hospice. 

I have always loved being a Dad.  At a Thanksgiving celebration, I met a Sesame Street employee and shared how much I enjoyed reading The Monster at the End of This Book to my kids.  I think that story should be in the Smithsonian as an American treasure.

I’ve enjoyed creative pursuits – and have acted on stage and in film and television (https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0360315/).  I play guitar and compose music on the piano.  I wrote the music for the play “Simon Peter” with my friend Chuck Timson that had a 26-year run in Tucson, Arizona.  Songwriting has been a lifelong happy hobby of mine since the age of 12. 

I’ve always known there is more to life than meets the eye since I had a near-death experience (near-drowning) at the age of two.  With no awareness of my little body struggling under water in the ocean, I was floating in a profound timeless ball of bliss – utterly content and happy.  An appropriate affirmation would have been “I am perfectly safe.”  Strange – but true.

Our book, You’re It!  How to Play the Game of Life, focuses on the fun and the effective power of the keys but does not ignore the hardships of life.  In my life, I’ve suffered the death of a child and the pain of divorce.  I’ve lost my way many times.  Most every human being can make a list like this.   But How we play the game is up to us, and our birthright to determine.   When we shift from a victim mentality and fear based position to one of choosing our responses to people and events, our “response-ability” improves dramatically and our happier feelings follow.  We begin to look for the good - and find it all around us. We have more energy, insight, peace of mind and connection to others.

No matter how much you are challenged by circumstances, you can love your life.  How?  By bringing compassion to those people and situations that most need it. We mindfully love ourselves and others now – not in some make-believe future when everything is as it “should be.”   We don’t waste our time trying to forcefully control everything around us – that is a recipe for suffering.  We work on our own game, and respect other people’s right to pursue their own happiness. 

One small way I have expressed gratitude to the Universe throughout my entire adult life is to write “thank you” in the memo line of every check I’ve ever written.  I trust that these small daily steps really matter.  Each of us has our intuitive sense of where to start and what to do.  I invite you to “turn every key.”  You will “begin to unlock the remarkable power within you.”


About Cookie

I was born in November 2006 and I am 17 years old.  I look like an oreo cookie.  I have a cute pink nose, long whiskers, beautiful yellow eyes, and soft fur.  I lived in Potsdam, NY with Ginger’s brother Obie for 15 years, until Ginger and Will inherited me.  I am very friendly – I like to greet everyone who comes to our house, and I especially love to be petted.  I am a big fan of this You’re It! book, because I got to camp out wherever Ginger and Will were writing it – usually Ginger’s office, where I have a second cozy cat bed.  My favorite place is wherever they are.  Take a seat and read this little book!  And if you don’t have a cat and you want one, you can use the PLAYTAG keys to get one!    Meow for now, Cookie  

About Jeanne A. Benas

Jeanne Benas’s professional art career began at age 3 when her mother, a well-known cartoonist, brought her with her to draw caricatures on live TV, in matching outfits. This continued for years. But now, as head of her award-winning Art Studio, she draws at her desk and illustrates children’s books, humor books, textbooks and much more, each in their own unique style. And she promises never to dress a family member in matching outfits. (www.BenasArt.com)